Unitarian Universalism vs Truth and Logic

In the video we watched on 09/11/2022 (Session 3, Part 3) they talked a little about preferences vs. Truth.  Below is a brief video that talks about Unitarian Universalists beliefs.  Watch the video and check out how they define “truth”.  Does that align with the truth of the Bible?

Some things to listen for…

  1. Does what they say in the video even make logical sense? 
  2. “Some believe in no God, a God, or a Goddess.” – Can those all be true?
  3. When they try and explain how there could be more than one truth, they use the example of ice cream flavors.  Does this argument logically make sense? 
    1. On the surface it may sound like it does, but ice cream flavor is a preference, not a truth.  Either Jesus is the only way to salvation, or He isn’t, there is no in between. 
  4. “With open minds”… Is it always wrong to have a closed mind? 
    1. If what the Bible says is true, isn’t it good to have a closed mind about there being different “truths”?  If you know that the Bible is true, and you really think each person is important, isn’t it way more loving to tell them the truth (the real truth)? 
  5. Just like every religion that rejects the authority of God and the Bible, Unitarian Universalism is works based.  They even listed off their good works at the 2:12 mark.